Dr Thierry Uso
Eau Secours 34
Thierry Uso has a Ph.D. in biochemistry and plant physiology from the Université des Sciences de Montpellier and is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications of Paris.
He is a long time water and ecology activist. With the NGO Eau Secours 34, he fought for the return to public management of the drinking water service of the metropolitan area of Montpellier. He was also part of the organising committee of the 2012 Alternative World Water Forum in Marseille and participated in the creation of the European Water Movement in 2013.Â
He is currently a member of the board of directors of the water public utility of the metropolitan area of Montpellier, a member of the Collectif Ceinture Verte Montpellier, a member of France Nature Environnement, a member of the local water commission of the Lez-Mosson river basin and the facilitator of the "EU water policy" working group within the European Water Movement.Â
He is a regular speaker at the World Social Forum and the European Summer University of Social Movements on the nexus water-energy-food-climate at local and global level.