Professor Ariel Salleh
University of Sydney
Professor Ariel Salleh is an environmental sociologist and Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Humanities, Nelson Mandela University; former Senior Fellow in Post-Growth Societies, Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Honorary Associate in Political Economy, University of Sydney.
Salleh has worked with the New Water Paradigm (NWP) community for over a decade and edited a special journal issue on it in 2010.
An international conference funded by the University of Sydney followed this, organised together with Duane Norris of Natural Sequence Farming.Â
See 'Water and the Complexities of Climate', International Journal of Water, 5/4 (2010) 285-451.Â
And for further publications on Water see -
Her ‘embodied materialism’ outlines a common political framework for socialist, indigenous, feminist, and ecological movements. Her formulation of 'the primal contradiction' and role of 'meta-industrial labour' in the world-system is seminal to theorising humanity-nature relations.
Salleh’s ideas are developed in Ecofeminism as Politics (2017/1997); Eco-Sufficiency & Global Justice (2009); Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary co-edited with Kothari et al (2019)
and some 250 chapters and articles at
She is a life-member of the International Sociological Association, serves on several journal boards, and was a founding editor of Capitalism Nature Socialism.